David Haase, P.M., Secretary, 414-964-4080

Installation of Worshipful Master Otto Tesch 2011 and Officers |
William Hutchins, Junior Stewart, wch@uwm.edu, 262- 820-1992
Horace Palmer, P.M., Chaplain, 414-332-3515
Walt Smith, Counselor, 414-906-1695
Bob Batchelder, Trustee '13
George Burgess, P.M., Trustee '12
Dave Haase, P.M., Trustee '11 and Chair
Jim Roberts, P.M., Trustee, '12
Chuck Roeder, P.M., Trustee '12
Walt Smith, P.M., Trustee '11
Mark Truesdell, P.M, Trustee '13
Brother Tyler Kristopeit, Junior Deacon, addressing the lodge